Sunday, December 9, 2007

Carries you like a son

Deuteronomy 1:29 "...Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the desert. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place."

I love this verse. Mainly because I know how I carry my son. As close to my heart as possible. You know there are a lot of things going on in our lives right now. Bills that need to be paid, Finding a new job or a second one to help pay those bills, selling it all and moving to Charlotte, or not, to follow God's dreams for our lives. But through it all the ups and downs, I carry my son as close to my heart as possible. When Jayden cries I hold him, ( or pass him to his mom, but that isn't helping the point so we will pretend you didn't read that ). My mind is on him at night, during the day, at work, everywhere. Sometimes I get really close when he sleeping so I can feel him breathe on my face. I love it. Its easy in life when things are in turmoil to think that God doesn't care. Look at the Israelites, they just left Egypt, they walked through a split red sea...I mean seriously if that was me I think I would have missed it. There I would be with the Israelites, pharaohs chariots closing in on me, then the Red Sea would split and WHAM! I would Blackout...only to wake up and find pharaohs army washing up on the shore and I would be having to swim.....but back to the story. Not only did they go through this but then they went through the, dry, no food, water, and your eating this stuff called manna that literally means "What is it" I don't know about you but I don't necessarily eat the stuff in the fridge that I have to ask What is it?...much less naming it that. We see only the hot, the dry and we feel like God is millions of miles away. Sometimes when Jayden is crying I put him in this special hold. He is facing the ground or to the side while he is pressed "STRONGLY" against my chest. He can't see me and he can only trust that I am not going to give him his first lesson in gravity. Now I can only imaging what you will be thinking when you see this. CALL SOCIAL SERVICES THIS GUY IS CRAZY. But he is in a great position, His arms and legs just hang down out of the way while his body is close. He may not know it....but I am not even a breath away to catch him, to protect him....and it is my favorite. I think God is like that sometimes with us. We see desert...but he his holding us close to his heart. We can't rely on our strength to make it, we can only trust God and hope he doesn't give us our first lesson on an Unfaithful God .

Anyway, sorry for rambling, but what can you expect its the name of my blog for crying out loud....

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tell him about me

"Remember today that your children were not the ones who saw and experienced the discipline of the LORD your God: his majesty, his mighty hand, his outstretched arm..." , "Teach them to your children talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy. 11:3, 19

I watched my son today and thought about these verses. What is it that God has been up to in my life? What things will I need to share with him as we grow together? How can I tell my son how great my God is? The stories He has given me without becoming irrelevant? He is the Lord's as am I. Every parent wants what is best for their children. I just hope I will have the courage to admit that I am not the best and that I cannot rely on my own strength or wisdom to raise him as a man of God. But may I be able to surrender Him to the Lord's wisdom down which ever path He leads. I love my baby, I will love my little boy. But Father, give me the wisdom to lead him to become a man after your very heart. May your Glory never become stale to talk about, May your word be "like honey on his lips".

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Daddy's Best Buddy, and Santa's "little" present

Day 3 of Fatherhood:

So Jayden is on his third day of life out here in the "real world". He is simply awesome. I continue to find new things to discover about him. Like his little knuckles and his cunning ability to act like he is hungry so he can make Tracy hold him close to her and then he goes to sleep. Smart fella stay with the pretty ladies...i get it...hes acting more and more like me every day...j/k. Never thought I would say it but, I love the diaper changing part. There is always a sense of excitement every time I open the capsule of surprise. What am I going to find? There are endless possibilities. Lemonade...nope...chocolate...definitely I said....endless. Then there are the things I call "presents" these are the ones that are still coming down the chimney while your taking care of the first "load"....and unlike somethings...the gifts just keep on coming. He also has this custom made squirt gun that has serious power and accuracy. Seriously he could be a sniper for the marines. But today...while I was getting ready to dress Santa, I was unloading some of his "presents" so he would have room for more when for a brief second I looked away then it happened I heard such a clatter and felt warm all what could this be? hmm...its warm and looks a lot like mustard with coleslaw chunks and my it is not only all over my hands but made it....I am not exaggerating here, 5-6 feet across the room....SERIOUSLY I HAVE WITNESSES, this did not come from his mouth by the way just to leave no doubt. My little santa had lots of joy to give and how much fun we had laughing and trying to clean it up. I love this guy...he's just so giving and only 3 days old...This kids got some future.